Sheba Tells her Tale
To my friends at Enmore…
Since leaving you around 21-23 Feb 2006 I have lived in Penshurst, then Leumeah, and now I live on the Gold Coast.
I have a lovely yard and my ‘step-dad’ has planted a big cat-grass just for me (I even let him pat me now, and move me off my bed occasionally).
My mum and I still share our special time daily – lots of smooches and head buts and nuzzles… and we snuggle up next to each other on the lounge when it’s cooler… I even get to sleep on the doona while mum’s still in bed on the weekends (only when ‘dad’ lets me in when he’s up in the mornings though… but that’s okay, as he plays games with me while he’s getting ready for work…)
Well, must get back to my nap in the sun now and wait for my mum & step-dad to come home from a hard days work….
Then it’s play time!
Sheba Taylor