advocate for cats

Speaking up for our feline friends is a major part of Cat Protection’s role.

Cats are companions to people and thus their welfare is affected by many social and public policies and laws, from tenancy and strata to mental health and domestic violence. And of course, as sentient beings they have intrinsic rights to be protected from cruelty, neglect and should be able to live their best lives.

In addition to supporting individual human clients with cats, we campaign more broadly for cat health and welfare, by providing submissions to government, engaging with other community organisations, and ensuring that in our own work we always treat and represent cats with dignity and respect.

Below you find a range of submissions and presentations that Cat Protection has made on various issues in recent years. In many instances these submissions have been amplified by the efforts of members and friends making their own submissions.

Membership of Cat Protection is a powerful way to advocate for cats – the more members we have, the greater our voice.

Cat Protection has also contributed to many confidential consultations and while we cannot publish these our views can be clearly seen in our public statements.

current inquiries

The NSW Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Regional; Inquiry into the approved charitable organisations under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979

The Committee is conducting its annual review of the operation of the approved charitable organisations (AWL NSW and RSPCA NSW) under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Submissions have closed but the Inquiry is still underway.

You can read Cat Protection’s submission here and find out more here. Information from the previous inquiry can be found here.

Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No.8 – Customer Service; Inquiry into pounds in New South Wales
Submissions have closed but the Inquiry is still underway.
You can read Cat Protection’s submission here and learn more about the Inquiry here.

Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No.4 – Regional NSW; Inquiry into the veterinary workforce shortage in New South Wales
Submissions have closed but the Inquiry is still underway.
You can read Cat Protection’s submission here and learn more about the Inquiry here.

past submissions and presentations

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to the the Australian Government review of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) 30 June 2024
You can learn more about Renewing the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy here.

Submission to the NSW Ministry of Health regarding the Draft Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 19 December 2023

Submission to the draft updated threat abatement plan for predation by feral cats (Australian Government) 11 December 2023

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to NSW Government. Improving NSW rental laws, including pets in rentals 11 August 2023

Cruelty won’t solve a wicked problemPresentation by CEO Kristina Vesk to the National Domestic Cat Management Working Group 14 March 2023

2026 Census Topic Review submission 27 April 2023. Unfortunately, the decision has been made to exclude pets from the Census:

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to the consultation by NSW Fair Trading: Keeping pets in residential tenancies 2 December 2022

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to the NSW Department of Customer Service, Statutory review of the domestic violence provisions in the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 – October 2022  2 December 2022

Feedback on NSW Department of Primary Industries Consultation Draft: NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy 2022-2030 31 August 2022

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Puppy Farming in New South Wales, Inquiry into puppy farming March 2022. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 23 May 2022. To access hearing transcripts, other submissions and reports, click here

Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No.4 – Regional NSW 2021 Inquiry into the approved charitable organisations under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, submission from Cat Protection. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 28 March 2022, click here to access transcripts, other submissions and reports

Submission to the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Animal Cruelty Laws in NSW, 2019-2020 Inquiry into animal cruelty laws, particularly the effectiveness of arrangements for administration and enforcement of those laws. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 13 February 2020, click here to access transcripts, other submissions and reports

Submission to the Standing Committee on State Development, Inquiry into animal welfare policy in NSW. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 16 March 2022, click here to access transcripts, other submissions and reports

Submission to the Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health, Inquiry into the use of primates and other animals in medical research in New South Wales. To access transcripts, other submissions and reports click here

Cat Protection Society of NSW submission pets in strata review 7 April 2021

Housing and housing assistance pathways with companion animals: risks, costs, benefits and opportunities – report and resources from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited (AHURI) February 2021
Cat Protection’s response, and full AHURI webinar March 2021

Submission to the Parliament of Australia Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy inquiry into feral and domestic cats in Australia July 2020. For transcripts, submissions and reports click here

Presentation to the Australian Institute of Animal Management Conference, October 2019, The Good Neighbour Project

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to Fair Trading regarding Residential Tenancies Regulation 2019 consultation August 2019

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport, inquiry into Regulatory approaches to ensure the safety of pet food. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 28 August 2018. For transcripts, submissions and reports click here

Submission from the Cat Protection Society of NSW to Fair Trading regarding draft strata schemes regulation May 2016

Submission to the NSW Parliament Joint Select Committee on Companion Animal Breeding Practices in NSW June 2015. Cat Protection appeared before the Committee on 15 July 2015. For transcripts, submissions and reports click here