cats for adoption

Age:1.5 years (est)
Home:Streak is seeking an indoor-only forever home as his pale features make him especially susceptible to the sun.

Could Streak be the kitty you’ve been waiting for? This handsome white kitty is a smoochy gentleman with a debonair air and you’ll be hard pressed to resist his charming nature. A little on the shy side Streak may take some time settling into his new home but don’t be fooled, once he is feeling more comfortable, he’ll soon show you just how keen he is on cuddles. Streak has lots of love to give and once settled he won’t be shy about showing off his smoochy side. He craves human company and attention and you’re bound to be enchanted by his fondness for rolling around to encourage lots of pats then making air bikkies when he is blissfully content. This gentle guy has a lot to say when it comes to discussing dinner and he’ll happily chat away to let you know his thoughts on the menu. You’ll count yourself lucky to have Streak by your side!

If you’d like to meet me, please fill out an adoption questionnaire and one of our friendly team will be in touch to arrange an appointment with you.

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