cat tails

Do you have a happy cat tail of your Cat Protection cat that you’d like to share?

Send us an email with the subject heading: Cat Tails and your cat’s name.

Remember to include their name, when they were adopted and your favourite photo.

Cinda – a tale of fish and friends … continued

Well, Cindarella (Cinda) has now been running the household for over 6 months.  I am missing one fish and have taken to counting them at feeding time.  She is also now completely smitten with Boo Boo (my dog) and thinks she is her BFF.

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Caviar – a tail of adoption happiness

It has been 5 weeks since we adopted Caviar AKA “The shy black Kitten” from your shelter in Enmore.

Caviar is such a pleasure to have around. We are so glad we adopted her. She is no longer shy, rather, chatty, playful and would eat all day, if I let her!!

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Ninners & Shinobi – a tale of affection, mischief, horror and happiness

I adopted Ninners in 2009 when she was a shy little thing.

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A message from Miss Purrsi Licious and Ms Cheeki Pouches

Hello to all of our friends at the Adoption Centre!

Our human has been a bit too busy with the things he does outside of our apartment and so he suggested I respond to your letter.

Cheeki and I have settled into our new home very well and I believe everything has just worked out for the best since the two of us adopted our human. Our human is taking very good care of us and he is a pleasure to supervise – being supervisor is a role I have found to be necessary with Cheeki being such a handful and with so much to be done to take care of my sister and I.

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Munchkin Tails! Meet Otto & Phoebe

It’s been about 5 months since I adopted my little munchkins from you. Otto (black) and Phoebe (tabby) have come such a long way from the two scared little kittens I brought home. They do EVERYTHING together – sleeping, playing, eating (even swapping bowls halfway through!) and exploring.

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Kinsey – a tale of the unexpected

We adopted Kinsey (aka black kitten from cage #3) as a 14 week old kitten on the 9th of March 2012. My partner and I had come in to CPS that morning to ‘have a look’ as we were planning on adopting a cat later in the year, and wanted to see what the layout was like, and what we could expect when we were going to adopt. We wanted to adopt an older cat or a black cat as we knew they were less likely to be adopted.

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Cinda – a tale of fish and friends


I thought I would send you some photos of Cinda (short for Cindarella – different spelling).  She is the 6 month old torti who had not been named that I adopted from you about 2 weeks ago.  She is absolutely gorgeous.  She already sleeps in my bed (under the blankets),

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A Tiger’s Tail – Tiger Lilly goes bush

Just thought I’d drop you an email with an update on Tiger Lilly. She is enjoying her status as a country cat (albeit an indoor country cat). The fire place has become her favourite place to be, snuggled up in her basket.

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Willow brings happiness to her home

Hi there,

I adopted Willow (she was known as Salma) last November.

I wanted to let you all know that she is a happy, healthy little girl, who is loved by everyone in the house. She is thoroughly spoilt, and pretty much rules the house. We all think she is the most beautiful little girl – which means she gets away with everything.

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A tale of Tigger and his cuteness!

Just wanted to give your guys an update about a little kitten that we adopted a couple of weeks ago. He is white with orange stripes and is very crazy and loves to bite and run!

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